That Fairlane Feeling
Long story short your loved ones aren’t going to be here as long as you think they are. We had a few eye opening moments this year that made us realize although money is necessary to pay bills it’s just money. You only have one family and sometimes you have to yell YOLO and go for it.
This is Papa’s 66 Ford Fairlane, #Papas66 as the grandkids call it. His best friend Danny has had this car for years and Sr. has been talking about it since I met Lonnie. So when Danny was looking to sell it Dad was absolutely heartbroken but we just couldn’t let that happen. This man has always been so generous with his time, money and love so even though we knew we could never repay him we wanted to at least say thank you. On his birthday in June we surprised him with Shannon’s help (Lonnie’s sister) and yes, he almost had a heart attack. Now that some time has passed, the car is up and running better and we have some spare time we took the car out for some Glamour Shots. VIDEO TO COME!